Lair Torrent

Managing Director, Teacher

Lair Torrent brings a wealth of expertise to our team, serving as an accomplished author, leading marriage and family therapist, and mindfulness-based relationship therapist. His bestselling book, "The Practice of Love," showcases his profound insights into breaking old patterns, rebuilding trust, and fostering lasting connections.

Lair's extensive credentials, including being a DailyOM best-selling author and a contributing columnist at, demonstrate his authority in the field. He has garnered recognition from prestigious news outlets such as NPR, Rolling Stone, and the New York Times, further highlighting his thought leadership.

As the co-host of both the Not Your Mama's Therapy Podcast and The Practice of Love Podcast, Lair Torrent draws from his 21-year partnership with Ashley to create meaningful content inspired by the concepts of his book. His ability to articulate complex relationship dynamics enriches our team's capacity to explore holistic healing and deep connection.

Additionally, as a teacher within the Helix Training Program, Lair contributes his extensive knowledge to empower future Helix practitioners. His teachings reflect his commitment to using mindfulness, therapy, and love as transformative practices, ensuring our students receive a comprehensive and enriching education.